
The representation of the marine carbonate system is key to assess ocean carbon uptake and ocean acidification. Fortunately, the seawater carbonate system is well constrained, allowing any two of its variables to be used to calculate all others, given associated temperature, salinity, pressure, and preferably, also inorganic nutrient concentrations. Seacarb (Gattuso et al. 2020) is an R package for solving the marine carbonate system and calculating related seawater properties.

AIM: Some examples for the calculation of parameters of the seawater carbonate system using seacarb:

NOTE: in the next 6 cases we are going to assume a surface seawater sample (hydrostatic pressure in surface, P=0) at 15ºC and with a salinity 35.

1st case:

When you know the total carbon content (from now on DIC for Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and the Total Alkalinity (ALK) in μmol·kg1. According to the GLODAP database, this is the most usual combination in chemical oceanography (Olsen et al. 2020). 1ststep: found the flag for this combination of variables in the flag-list. The flags which can be used are:

# flag = 1 pH and CO2 given
# flag = 2 CO2 and HCO3 given
# flag = 3 CO2 and CO3 given
# flag = 4 CO2 and ALK given 
# flag = 5 CO2 and DIC given 
# flag = 6 pH and HCO3 given 
# flag = 7 pH and CO3 given 
# flag = 8 pH and ALK given 
# flag = 9 pH and DIC given 
# flag = 10 HCO3 and CO3 given 
# flag = 11 HCO3 and ALK given 
# flag = 12 HCO3 and DIC given 
# flag = 13 CO3 and ALK given 
# flag = 14 CO3 and DIC given 
# flag = 15 ALK and DIC given 
# flag = 21 pCO2 and pH given 
# flag = 22 pCO2 and HCO3 given 
# flag = 23 pCO2 and CO3 given 
# flag = 24 pCO2 and ALK given 
# flag = 25 pCO2 and DIC given

Therefore, the combination of ALK and DIC is the flag number 15, # flag = 15 ALK and DIC given. NOTE! keep in mind that the flag 15 is for alkalinity as the first variable (var1) and DIC for the second variable (var2). In the syntaxis of the seacarb::carb() function the order is very important!

Imagine that our carbon measurements were 2335 μmol·kg1 for ALK and 2150 μmol·kg1 for DIC. Let’s use the seacarb::carb() function. Remember that the units allowed in the function are in mol·kg1! (μmol=10-6 mol)

output<-carb(flag=15, var1=2335e-6, var2=2150e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

The output is a data.frame with all the computed carbon parameters! As you can see in the column pH, this sample has a pH of 7.97. An advantage of the carb function is that by default, it follows the recommendations for the carbon system calculations by A. G. Dickson, Sabine, and Christian (2007): with the CO2 dissociation constants (K1 & K2) of Lueker, Dickson, and Keeling (2000), the constant for the sulphate dissociation of Andrew G. Dickson (1990) and the constant for fluoride association of Fiz F. Pérez and Fraga (1987). Also, the default pH scale is the total scale.

2nd case:

When you know the Total Alkalinity (ALK) and the pH. The flag for this combination is flag=8, with pH as var1 and ALK as var2. Example, imagine that you have lost the DIC measurement for some reason… but you remember what was the pH of the previous sample 7.97. As the pH has no units, you can simply write:

output2<-carb(flag=8, var1=output$pH, var2=2335e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

And in this case, we can see in the column DIC that this sample had a DIC of 2150 μmol·kg1. Good point about seacarb output: data.frames are practically self-explanatory (not all the packages that compute ocean carbonate chemistry can say the same).

3rd case:

When you know DIC and pH. The flag for this combination is flag=9, with pH as var1 and DIC as var2.

output3<-carb(flag=9, var1=output$pH, var2=output2$DIC, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

As you can check, the data contained in all these output is consistent among them. Remember that until now we “play” only with ALK, DIC and pH but there are until 20 different possible combinations: with pCO2, CO3, HCO3… But yes, to be honest: this point by point examples are pretty bored. Let’s make another kind of exercises, a little bit more of action:

4th case:

Suppose an initial water mass with a preindustrial DIC of 2150 μmol·kg1 that has taken 50 μmol·kg1 of anthropogenic carbon, what will be their pH now? we can assume a constant alkalinity since ALK is not affected by CO2 gas exchange (Carter et al. 2014).

#### Define carbon variables
constant_alkalinity=2300e-6 #2300μmolkg
DIC <- seq(2150, 2200) #From 2150μmolkg to 2200μmolkg. seq is a base R function to generate regular sequences. Example: seq(1,5) is a vector c(1,2,3,4,5)

#### Call seacarb::carb() function
simOA <- carb(flag=15, var1=constant_alkalinity, var2=DIC*1e-6, S=35, T=15 , Patm=1, P=0)

#### plot ####
left<-ggplot(simOA, aes(DIC*10^6, pH))+
  ylab("pH (total scale)")+
  xlab("DIC (μmol/kg)")+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(7.75, 7.9, by=.05), limits=c(7.75, 7.91))+
  theme_minimal()+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(2150, 2200))+
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size=10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=35),
        legend.position = "none")

center <- ggplot(simOA, aes(DIC*10^6, CO3*10^6))+
  ylab("CO3 (μmol/kg)")+
  xlab("DIC (μmol/kg)")+
  theme_minimal()+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(2150, 2200))+
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size=10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=35),
        legend.position = "none")

right<-ggplot(simOA, aes(DIC*10^6, OmegaAragonite))+
  ylab("Omega Aragonite")+
  xlab("DIC (μmol/kg)")+
  theme_minimal()+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(2150, 2200))+
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size=10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=35),
        legend.position = "none")

left + center + right #when "patchwork" package is loaded is very easy to do panels of figures with several subplots ;)

…but happens this rate of increase in DIC in the real ocean? Yes, for example the upper water mass in the Northeast Atlantic, the North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) shows an annual increase of its average concentration close to 1 μmol·kg1·yr1 (F. F. Pérez et al. 2010; Fontela et al. 2020).

5th case:

We know pH and assumed a constant alkalinity value of 2200, 2300, 2400 and 2500 micromol/kg (that we are going to visualize in the background of the next plot) vs change in DIC when there is a simultaneous change in pH and alkalinity (upper plot, large dots).

# Define a range of pH values
pH <- seq(7.7, 8.45, length.out=50) #Note: the length.out option specifies the total length of the sequence, in this case "50"

# Carbon system computations (all the same, only change in ALK)
output2300 <- carb(flag=8, var1=pH, var2=2300e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)
output2200 <- carb(flag=8, var1=pH, var2=2200e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)
output2400 <- carb(flag=8, var1=pH, var2=2400e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)
output2500 <- carb(flag=8, var1=pH, var2=2500e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

# what happens when there is a simultaneous change in alkalinity
alk <- seq(2200e-6, 2500e-6, length.out=50)
withchange <- carb(flag=8, var1=pH, var2=alk, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

  ggplot(output2300, aes(pH,DIC*10^6))+ geom_point(aes(colour=as.character(ALK*10^6)))+
  geom_point(data=output2200, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))))+
  geom_point(data=output2400, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))))+
  geom_point(data=output2500, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))))+
    geom_point(data=withchange, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))), size=5)+
  xlab("pH (total scale)")+
  ylab("DIC (umol/kg)")+
  theme_minimal()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1800, 2500))+
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top")

And also when we know DIC and assumed a constant alkalinity value of 2200, 2300, 2400 and 2500 micromol/kg (that we are going to visualize in the background of the next plot) vs change in pH when there is a simultaneous change in DIC and alkalinity (upper plot, large dots).

### with DIC now
# Define a range of DIC values
DIC <- seq(2150, 2250, length.out=50) #Note: the length.out option specifies the total length of the sequence, in this case "50"

# Carbon system computations (all the same, only change in ALK)
output2300 <- carb(flag=15, var1=2300e-6, var2=DIC*1e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)
output2200 <- carb(flag=15, var1=2200e-6, var2=DIC*1e-6,  S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)
output2400 <- carb(flag=15, var1=2400e-6, var2=DIC*1e-6,  S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)
output2500 <- carb(flag=15, var1=2500e-6, var2=DIC*1e-6,  S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

# what happens when there is a simultaneous change in alkalinity
ALK <- seq(2200e-6, 2500e-6, length.out=50)
withchange <- carb(flag=15, var1=ALK, var2=DIC*1e-6, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

  ggplot(output2300, aes(DIC*10^6, pH))+ geom_point(aes(colour=as.character(ALK*10^6)))+
    geom_point(data=output2200, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))))+
    geom_point(data=output2400, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))))+
    geom_point(data=output2500, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))))+
    geom_point(data=withchange, aes(colour=as.character(round(ALK*10^6, -2))), size=5)+
    ylab("pH (total scale)")+
    xlab("DIC (umol/kg)")+
    # scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1800, 2500))+
    theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
          legend.position = "top")

What we can see with these two examples is that total alkalinity can be thought of as a measure of how well-buffered seawater is against changes in pH. What will happen if you come back two plots before (the 4th case) and change the assumed constant_alkalinity=2320e-6 for a large value and rerun the code chunk?

6th case:

Someone can think: "I would like to visualize all the combinations of pH and alkalinity that results in the same XXX (being XXX whatever carbon parameter that you like). Ook, let’s do it:

pH <- seq(7.8, 8.0, length.out=10)
ALK <- seq(2250e-6, 2450e-6, length.out=10)
combined <- expand.grid(pH, ALK) #base R function: Create a data frame from all combinations of the supplied vectors. NOTE: combined have a number of rows equal to length.out^
case6 <- carb(flag=8, var1=combined$Var1, var2=combined$Var2, S=35, T=15, Patm=1, P=0)

DICplot<-ggplot(case6, aes(pH, ALK*1e6))+
  geom_contour_filled(aes(z=DIC*1e6), breaks = seq(2050, 2350, by=50))+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "PuRd")+
  labs(x="", y="ALK (μmol/kg)", fill="DIC (μmol/kg)")+
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+

carbonateplot<-ggplot(case6, aes(pH, ALK*1e6))+
  geom_contour_filled(aes(z=CO3*1e6), breaks = seq(80, 160, by=10))+
  labs(x="", y="", fill="CO3 (μmol/kg)")+
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+

pCO2plot<-ggplot(case6, aes(pH, ALK*1e6))+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Oranges")+
  labs(x="pH (total scale)", y="ALK (μmol/kg)", fill="pCO2 (μatm)")+
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+

OmegaAragoniteplot<-ggplot(case6, aes(pH, ALK*1e6))+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "PuBuGn")+
  labs(x="pH (total scale)", y="", fill="Omega Aragonite")+
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0))+

#Do the patchwork plot
DICplot + carbonateplot + pCO2plot + OmegaAragoniteplot

Real data

What is better than speculative data? real data! =)

Subpolar North Atlantic surface pCO2 data from a mooring array.

The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is an ocean observing network that delivers real-time data from autonomous sensor located year round in several mooring arrays throughout the global Ocean. Most important for today’s study cases: OOI data are freely available online.

One of the mooring arrays is located in the subpolar North Atlantic, in the Irminger Basin. Between the several equipment that are delivering real-time data today, there is an autonomous pCO_2_ sensor located at ~12 m depth (GI01SUMO-RID16-05-PCO2WB000). I have downloaded the data for the pCO2 sensor and for the CTD and after a quick filtering and a daily mean value computation, these are the measurements since 17-August-2020 until 07-February-2021 (174 days, almost 6 months). Fresh data for you:

WoW! this half-year of data is cool and promising, but this workshop was about ocean carbon variables computations, right? True. And I told you before that we need at least two parameters in order to apply the carb function and solve the carbon system and by now we only have pCO2 data. Also true. then, we are going to do a little trick to achieve our second variable: as we have the salinity from the CTD we are going to compute a modelled alkalinity based on the strong relationship between salinity and total alkalinity.

Get alkalinity data

Let’s load some high-quality ocean carbon data collected through chemical analysis of discrete water samples by that is open access! OMG! where? In GLODAP, obviously!

# Load GLODAP ------------------------------------------------------------
local_file=1 #Faster when local file is available, obvious.
if (local_file) {
  A<-readMat("C:/Users/MFontela/Nextcloud/Database/GLODAP/GLODAPv2.2020_Atlantic_Ocean.mat") #find your local copy of file GLODAPv2.2020_Atlantic_Ocean.mat 
} else{
  #Alternative: download the .mat file directly from the GLODAPv2 web (
  download.file("", "GLODAPv2.2020_Atlantic_Ocean.mat")

#Keep the expocode and their correspondence with G2cruise (expocodeno)
expocodes<-data.frame(); expocodes<$expocode))
A<-list.remove(A, c("expocode", "expocodeno")) #To ease things when converting from list to data.frame

With the previous chunk of code we load all the data for the Atlantic Ocean that is inside GLODAP. Near 0.5 million spatial data points… Maybe too much for some quick examples, don’t you think? let’s filter the data that is “near” to the Irminger OOI mooring.

The tight relationship between salinity and alkalinity (and obviously, the fact that this is a study case/exercise and we don’t aim to develop relevant conclusions from here) allows the generation of an alkalinity value with the linear relationship of the right plot. This computed alkalinity will be used inside the carb function.

Compute carbon variables from pCO2 and alkalinity

# summary(lm(G2talk ~ G2salinity, data=I))
#Add the new ALK to the OOI data.frame
OOI<-mutate(OOI, ALK=610+48.6*Sal) #data from the basic lm

#### Carbon system function with flag 24, pCO2 and Alk
carbOOI<-carb(flag=24, var1=OOI$pCO2, var2=OOI$ALK*10^-6,  S=OOI$Sal, T=OOI$Temp, Patm=1, P=(12/10)) #NOTE! P is pressure in bar, NOT dbar. We are going to assume that the 12 m of the equipment location are fixed and that they are 12 dbar.

carbOOI<-bind_cols(OOI[,1], carbOOI) #join the first column of date to the carbon variables.

#compute xcCO3 (another carbon variable)
carbOOI<-mutate(carbOOI, xcCO3=CO3-(CO3/OmegaAragonite))

# plot something
pHplot<-ggplot(carbOOI, aes(date, pH))+
  scale_x_datetime(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%b-%y")+
  labs(x="Date", y="pH")+
  theme(legend.position = "top",
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=35),
        axis.text = element_text(size=20))

The calculated pH has a specular shape with regard pCO2: it is high at the end of summer, when the pCO2 is low; and goes down with the winter when the pCO2 increases.

This is the natural seasonal variability in surface waters of a subpolar seasonally stratified biome (Fay and McKinley 2017). The shoal of the mixed layer depth leads to the strong biological productivity of spring (months not show in this example)/summer that strongly draws down DIC. The reason behind the winter increase of pCO2 is the strong vertical mixing that supplies carbon from depth to the surface (Körtzinger et al. 2008).

##Future conditions Can we add an anthropogenic perturbation on top of this natural variability? Come on, put your own dystopian googles and let’s see: Assuming that seawater pCO2 will follow atmospheric pCO2, what will be the status in a +100 ppm atmospheric CO2 world?

# Dystopian world! --------------------------------------------------------

# Carbon system computation
FuturecarbIrM<-carb(flag=24, var1=carbOOI$pCO2 + 100, var2=carbOOI$ALK,  S=carbOOI$S, T=carbOOI$T, Patm=1, P=(12/10))

  bind_cols(carbOOI[,1], .) #to add date

  ggplot(carbOOI, aes(date, xcCO3*10^6))+
  geom_point(aes(colour= xcCO3*10^6))+
  geom_point(data=FuturecarbIrM, colour= "red")+
    scale_x_datetime(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%b-%y")+
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(20, 90, by=10)))

In a ~500 ppm world (practically a virtual reality this century), the amount of carbonate available in the seawater of the Irminger Basin for marine calcifiers (i.e., organisms that use the carbonate to build their body structures) will be of only ~25 μmol·kg1. Ocean acidification decreases xc[CO32-], compromising the fitness of marine calcifiers and even their survival when waters reach negative values of xc[CO32-].

Now that you feel comfortable enough with the carb function, you should see the seacarb::errors() function: uncertainty propagation for computed marine carbonate system variables (Orr et al. 2018). Mainly because for certain CO2 parameters combinations there are limits to the accuracy with which the other parameters can be predicted from. These errors come from all the experimentally derived information, including the various equilibrium constants and end up being propagated through the results. For another workshop, Ook?

Anthropogenic carbon (Cant)

Taking advantage that we have loaded GLODAP for the Atlantic Ocean, we are going to set ready a subset of the Northeast Atlantic to apply the biogeochemical back-calculation ϕCT0 method for the anthropogenic carbon (Cant) (Vázquez-Rodríguez et al. 2009). To apply this method, we need info about carbon variables (ALK and DIC, that we are going to compute with seacarb), inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and dissolved oxygen besides location, time and general CTD info.

# Filtering --------------------------------------------------
#Define "near": a box of the ~eastern North Atlantic

###########FILTER & ADD THE carb FLAG ###########
  filter(G2latitude>=(min(NE$lat)) & G2latitude<=(max(NE$lat)))%>%
  filter(G2longitude>=(min(NE$lon)) & G2longitude<=(max(NE$lon)))%>% #filter the box of the eastern north Atlantic
  mutate_all(.funs = funs(ifelse(. == "NaN", NA, .)))%>% #just in case because it's a .mat file
  filter(!>% #carb function can't have NA neither in theta or salinity
  ######### ADD THE FLAG #########
  mutate(flag=ifelse(G2talkf==2 & G2tco2f==2, 15, #flag 15 Alk & DIC
                     ifelse(G2talkf==2 & G2tco2f==0 & G2phtsinsitutpf==2,8, #flag 8 pH & Alk
                            ifelse(G2talkf==0 & G2tco2f==2 & G2phtsinsitutpf==2, 9,NA))))%>% #flag 9 pH & DIC
  filter(! #If there aren't two carbon variables, delete it.

########### CARBON SYSTEM COMPUTATION ###########

extendedG2NE<-bind_cols(G2NE[,1:ncol(G2NE)-1], #To delete the flag column in order to avoid repetition 
                        carb(flag=G2NE$flag, #### Carbon system computation
                             var1=ifelse(G2NE$flag==15, G2NE$G2talk/10^6, 
                             var2=ifelse(G2NE$flag==15, G2NE$G2tco2/10^6, 
                             G2NE$G2pressure/10, #pressure in bar!
                             Pt=G2NE$G2phosphate/10^6, #Nutrients in mols/Kg
                             pHscale="T", kf="pf", k1k2="l", ks="d", b="u74"))

########### EXPORT TO MATLAB ###########

  mutate(year=decimal_date(ymd(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d',G2year,G2month,G2day)))) %>% #Create a new column with the decimal year
  mutate(G2nitrate=ifelse(G2nitritef==2, G2nitrate+G2nitrite, G2nitrate))%>% #Minor correction: If there is nitrite available, and is good enough (flag==2), add it to the nitrate. 
  filter(! & ! & ! &
           ! & ! & ! &
           ! & ! & !>% #Delete rows without all the needed parameters
  filter(G2salinityf==2 & G2oxygenf==2  & G2silicatef==2 & G2nitratef==2 & G2phosphatef==2) %>% #Also we are going to keep only with the high quality data (flag==2)
  select(G2station,G2bottle,G2year,G2longitude, G2latitude, G2depth,G2pressure,
         G2theta, G2salinity, G2oxygen, G2silicate, G2nitrate, G2phosphate, DIC, ALK, year) %>% #To select only the columns with the needed info
  mutate(DIC=DIC*10^6, ALK=ALK*10^6)%>% #input data for phi_Cant is in umol/kg
  rename(St=G2station, Bottle=G2bottle, date=G2year, longitude=G2longitude, latitude=G2latitude, Depth=G2depth, pressure=G2pressure, theta=G2theta, salinity=G2salinity, oxygen=G2oxygen, silicate=G2silicate, nitrate=G2nitrate, phosphate=G2phosphate, ct=DIC, at=ALK) %>% #The rename helps for the Matlab phi_Cant script
  mutate(Loc=date*10^9+St*10^3+Bottle, Orden=1:nrow(.)) #minor addition, just for the sake of consistency.

#minor reordering, just for the sake of consistency.

#Export to csv without row.names
write.csv(exportedG2NE, file="input_data_CANAIMOC.csv", row.names = F, sep=",") 

Note that in this step we apply the carb function over a large database, with several different flags and input variables, and it was not so difficult, don’t you think? We have 17244 samples that have everything we need to apply the ϕCT0 method. Where are located that samples? and how is the TS diagram?

…time to Matlab now!


Carter, B. R., J. R. Toggweiler, R. M. Key, and J. L. Sarmiento. 2014. “Processes Determining the Marine Alkalinity and Calcium Carbonate Saturation State Distributions.” Biogeosciences 11 (24): 7349–62.
Dickson, A G, C L Sabine, and J R Christian. 2007. Guide to best practices for ocean CO<sub>2</sub> measurements.” PICES Special Publication 3.
Dickson, Andrew G. 1990. Standard potential of the reaction: AgCl(s) + 1 2H2(g) = Ag(s) + HCl(aq), and and the standard acidity constant of the ion HSO4- in synthetic sea water from 273.15 to 318.15 K.” The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics.
Fay, Amanda R., and Galen A. McKinley. 2017. “Correlations of Surface Ocean pCO2 to Satellite Chlorophyll on Monthly to Interannual Timescales.” Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (3): 436–55.
Fontela, M., F. F. Pérez, L. I. Carracedo, X. A. Padín, A. Velo, M. I. García-Ibañez, and P. Lherminier. 2020. The Northeast Atlantic is running out of excess carbonate in the horizon of cold-water corals communities.” Scientific Reports 10 (1).
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre, Jean-Marie Epitalon, Heloise Lavigne, and James Orr. 2020. seacarb: Seawater Carbonate Chemistry.
Körtzinger, A., U. Send, D. W. R. Wallace, J. Karstensen, and M. de Grandpre. 2008. Seasonal cycle of O2 and pCO2 in the central Labrador Sea: Atmospheric, biological, and physical implications.” Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
Lueker, Timothy J., Andrew G. Dickson, and Charles D. Keeling. 2000. Ocean pCO2 calculated from dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, and equations for K1 and K2: Validation based on laboratory measurements of CO2 in gas and seawater at equilibrium.” Marine Chemistry.
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Orr, James C., Jean Marie Epitalon, Andrew G. Dickson, and Jean Pierre Gattuso. 2018. Routine uncertainty propagation for the marine carbon dioxide system.” Marine Chemistry.
Pérez, F. F., M. Vázquez-Rodríguez, H. Mercier, A. Velo, P. Lherminier, and A. F. Ríos. 2010. Trends of anthropogenic CO2 storage in North Atlantic water masses.” Biogeosciences 7 (5): 1789–1807.
Pérez, Fiz F., and F. Fraga. 1987. Association constant of fluoride and hydrogen ions in seawater.” Marine Chemistry.
Vázquez-Rodríguez, M., F. Touratier, C. Lo Monaco, D. W. Waugh, X. A. Padin, R. G. J. Bellerby, C. Goyet, N. Metzl, A. F. Ríos, and F. F. Pérez. 2009. Anthropogenic carbon distributions in the Atlantic Ocean: Data-based estimates from the Arctic to the Antarctic.” Biogeosciences 6 (3): 439–51.